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PERUTTU: Cross-country ski basics classic style, only in English!


Paikka Puijon Hiihtostadion (Suurmäentie 85, 70200 Kuopio)
Ajankohta 15.2.2024 klo 17:00 - 18:30
Tyyppi Kurssi
Ohjaaja Minna Rantanen
Lisätietoja NOTICE: this course is instructed only in English!

Thu 15th Feb, 17.00-18.30: Cross-country ski basics classic style:
- balance exercises
- diagonal stride and double poling basics, focus on diagonal stride.
- going uphill and downhill position
- brief equipment and waxing guidance

Please note! Skiing equipment not provided. No prior cross-country skiing experience needed.

We will meet at Puijo Ski Stadion at 17.00.

If temperature is -15 degrees or colder, course will be canceled/postponed to another time. Notification of changes one day before.

Course fee is 14,30€.

Notice that you can cancel your enrollment by latest 12th Ferbruary at 12.00 (am). After that the enrolling is binding and you are obliged to pay the course fee. If you enroll after 12th Feb 12.00 (am) you cannot cancel your enrollment and you are obliged to pay the course fee.


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